LPC Continuing Education - Clarification

Tennessee LPC Rules & Regulations can be found at: 0450-01.20200402.pdf (tnsosfiles.com)

Tennessee LPC's are required to have 20 clock hours of Continuing Education every two calendar years.

[Rule 0450-01-.12]

A maximum of 10 hours may be received for multi-media courses (virtual) during the two-year period.

[Rule 0450-01-.12 (3) (b)]

Proof of attendance & completion must be retained for a period of four years from the end of the calendar year.

[Rule 0450-01-.12 (4) (a)]

The required documentation (proof) of attendance must include the following....

[Rule 0450-01-.12 (4) (c)]

Pre-approved course providers include ...

[Rule 0450-01-.12 (5) (a)

Those supervising applicants for licensure must have 3 of the clock hours of the 20 required, pertaining to counseling supervision (or related supervision topics).

[Rule 0450-01-.12 (1) (d)]

Three (3) clock hours of the twenty (20) clock hour biennial requirement shall, pertain to the following subjects: (i) Professional ethics

[Rule 0450-01-.12 (1) (c)]

NEW: As of January 1, 2020 >>> all licensed folks must complete a Board approved training of not less than 2 hours related to suicide prevention, at least once every four years.

CLARIFICATION: The Board has qualified virtual training to say that if a training is online and allows for interaction with the presenter, it will be considered as a face-to-face training event.